@|the electronic knights
|history crapbox issue -6
|october - june 2019
@too old to die young<dreamweb
@ascension<k2, rabenauge
@happy carva #74<da jormas
|rmb for page *2*
|page *2*
@end of the cube<goblins
@meanwhile in...<nukleus
@teaser02 (4k)<dreamweb
@hymn to hipparchus (4k)
<offence, brainstorm
|rmb for info!
|If you want a packdisk
|subscription on physical
|disk: Just send an email
|to bifat at neoscientists
|dot org. Include your
|handle/group. It's free!
bifat's postal address:
<T. Mueller
<Jungstr. 2
<10247 Berlin
slash's postal address:
<johan elm
<tvillinggatan 4a
<431 43 molndal
** crap box ** history ** the electronic knights *historical* pack series issue -6 * compiled and code by bifat * music slash * gfx nero here's another fine disk full to the brim with releases from 2019. assembly date: june 22th 2021 here we have some fantastic stuff from some of my personal favourites: dreamweb and da jormas! moreover... not one, but two birthday productions... some amazing animal appreciation by void and nukleus, and -among others- an immensely entertaining 4k by offence and brainstorm. enjoy! ouch, sorry slash and ok3anos, the credits for the music were wrong in issue -5. the music was by slash - not ok3anos. it's corrected in the online version, but mail subscribers got disks with the wrong credits... they should keep disk -5 as a rare misprint. 'ascension' was created spontaneously during one night at evoke 2019, acting as a present for luisa/rabenauge and kamikatze/k2. it happened to be their birthday, and I arrived empty-handed at the party. "no party without release" I thought, and so I sat down to improvise some production. as it further turned out, luisa did many amiga OCS pix in her career, but never a pic of hers was ever used in an actual amiga production! same with kamikatze, who did many protracker tunes, but never was a tune of his used in an amiga production. what the heck! so that could be helped... in one go! thanks to krill for the I-ging idea and bodo for support. wrap!